5 Mistakes Concrete Coating Business Owners Make

Getting started with your concrete coating business can go pretty fast. You may have leads lined up even before you are officially open for business. While this can be a great experience, it’s also easy to overlook a few critical steps when it comes to growing your market share and winning more leads for your business.

Whether your concrete coating business is brand new or you’ve reached a growth plateau that just won’t be pushed, there’s a good chance that your company has made one (or more) of the following concrete coating company mistakes. As service marketing pros, ServiceLegend can help you overcome these simple oversights to regain the momentum and leads that your service quality deserves. 

Here are the five common mistakes that will slow down your concrete coating business:

1. Not Knowing Your Numbers

Once you hit your first growth plateau, it takes strategy to continue building leads and scaling up. You can’t build that strategy without first knowing your numbers. How many website visitors are you getting each week? How many readers are being drawn to your blogs, and how many conversions have you achieved with your web designs? Are your past customers handing out referrals, or are you counting on your Google Business Profile to do all the work?

If you haven’t done it yet, it’s time to set up some basic analytics to learn your marketing and conversion numbers. This will give you a baseline to build your expansion strategy.

There was a friend of mine, his name is Cameron Bawden from Green Mango Pest Control – He told me “Know Your Numbers.” This is absolutely true when it comes to running your business.

2. Forgetting to Research the Competition

Another concrete coating company mistake is overlooking the strategies of your competition. You can learn a lot by looking at what other concrete coating companies are doing right. Research both your direct local competition and other brands that are succeeding in communities similar to yours. This is your opportunity to take a full tour of marketing and branding tactics that might work well for your brand.

Take notes, take screenshots, learn keywords, and find inspiration to upgrade your strategy. The best competition research helps you build your own brand using the ideas and styles you encounter.

3. Flying Blind With Operations

Every business needs a centralized vision and an operations strategy. If your marketing, sales, and service teams are working independently, you probably aren’t optimizing your lead-to-service process. Without operations, you will be prone to a lot more concrete company coating mistakes, essentially flying blind when you could be following a cohesive strategy that yields steadily improving results.

4. Not-So-Quick Response to Leads

Your leads are your lifeline. The entire goal of concrete coating company marketing is to gain leads, and to help those leads become customers. This means that you want to be quick to respond to lead inquiries and seek to schedule initial estimates as soon as your lead’s schedule allows.

Ideally, your company will have someone on-staff ready to answer the phone or respond to email inquiries at all times during office hours, and immediately as soon as the next work day begins. Otherwise, your leads may go with their second choice who was faster to respond.

5. Not Working With An Agency Like ServiceLegend

Finally, a common service company mistake is forgetting to work with a marketing agency that specializes in service companies. Your specialty is concrete coating, and your team does it well, so it’s perfectly normal if your solo marketing results are not equally competitive. However, working with a marketing agency that doesn’t understand the local service model can be equally uneventful, as marketing your brand like a shop or restaurant is not going to yield the same quality of leads or conversions.

ServiceLegend has the experience and insights necessary to show your concrete coating company in its best light and help you grow with a steadily increasing flow of ready-to-convert leads.

It’s Time to Become a Service Legend!

Whether you have been subject to one concrete coating company mistake or several, it’s never too late to change direction and become the local service legend that your quality work deserves. Working with ServiceLegend will pair you with marketing pros that know your business and can help you build the strongest possible brand, marketing, and conversion strategy to become the go-to concrete coating service throughout your community.



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